
In association with

Childbirth Education Association.


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Childbirth Education Classes


1. Body Changes & Discomforts

Registered nurse and childbirth educator, Heidi Rice, offers tips on how to manage everything from nausea to heartburn so you can stay comfortable during your pregnancy.


2. Prenatal Health & Nutrition

Learn how to take care of yourself and your baby by eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and maintaining an exercise program throughout your pregnancy.


3. Preparing for Labor & Birth

Know what to expect and what support tools you need for your upcoming delivery. Having a plan will help prepare you mentally and physically for labor and possible surprises along the way.


4. Labor & Birth Part One

Learn how to spot pre-labor and early-labor signs. Understand how labor progresses, what it looks like, how it feels, what your body goes through when the process begins.


5. Labor & Birth Part Two

Transition is the last phase of labor, it’s the fastest and most intense part of the process that ends when you’re ready to push. Discover tips of what to do during and right after delivery.


6. Immediately After Birth

Registered nurse and lactation consultant, Alisa Williams, explains what happens in the delivery room immediately after birth, from newborn procedures to the baby’s appearance.


7. Feeding Your Baby

Understand the amount of milk your newborn needs, the benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby, the role of the helper, how to latch, pumping and storing, types of formulas, and more.


8. Bringing Baby Home

Learn about diapering, crying, soothing, sleeping and general safety tips so you’re prepared to welcome baby home.


9. Postpartum Care

A healthy baby needs a healthy mom. Find out about the fourth trimester, the rapid physical and emotional changes new mothers experience, and how to recognize what’s normal.

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